Alberta, Math 9 Resources
Alberta Grade 9 Math Curriculum
Are you ready for grade 9 math?
Grade 9 math is a critical mile stone that makes or breaks success in high school math.
In 2018 more than 40% of grade 9 CBE students failed the math PAT in Calgary (see article in Calgary Herald).
More details on PAT and diploma exam results can be found on school district websites at and
The problem is that many post-secondary programs require math grades well above 80% for entry.
So how does this happen and most importantly how can this be fixed?
The typical grade 9 math course is built on concepts and skills that students are expected to have by the end of grade 8. However, if students learned mathematics ineffectively in the past, new skills' acquisition becomes very difficult in grade 9 as the pace and volume of knowledge becomes increasingly more intense.
Schools have no programs that verify prior knowledge and operate under the assumption that all students are ready to manage advancement into the grade 9 curriculum.
There are several mathematical skills that are crucial for success: basic operations, fractions, decimals, number lines, comparing numbers regardless of their type (decimal, whole, fractions, exponents). By grade 9 students must be proficient or their learning slows down.
Check out our warmup self-grading exercises. These are manageable snippets that help discover proficiency or a weak foundation. They helps students identify areas that need revisiting and quickly move on to succeed.