Tutor Calgary




Michael has a B.Sc. in Chemistry and has been tutoring Math and Science based on the Alberta Curriculum for 14 years to students of all ages.

Michael has experience teaching students with ADHD and high functioning Autism. He is methodical and patient with students of all ages.

Michael develops and leads the programs at Tutor Calgary.


Valerie has a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science. She teaches high school Math, Science and Coding.


Annemarie is a Computer Science student and teaches Math to students of all grades. Annemarie also teaches coding with Scratch to young students.


Ben is an Education student. He currently specializes in teaching high school Biology.


Amos is a Software Engineer and teaches Math and Coding to students of all ages. Amos has 7 years experience with teaching based on the Alberta Curriculum.

Amos is available for in-home tutoring.


Michelle's passion is the piano and art. Michelle teaches young students music theory and piano. She also has a lot of experience with a variety of mediums such: acrylic, pencil crayon, graphite, water color, and digital art.