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My child is gifted, yet seems to hate Math, why is that?

Can you suggest a few books that instill an appreciation for Science?

What type of coding classes do you offer?

What type of math do you teach gifted students?

Can you suggest a few books that instill an appreciation for Math?

What do you do to teach debate, and help shy children come out of their shell?

How do you support high school students with Math and STEM subjects?

What do you offer for visual learners for STEM readiness prior and during high school?

We encourage flexible pacing. The goal of flexible pacing is to provide students with enrichment in a gradual process that is more productive. 

Acceleration can start with small sized projects followed by larger ones when more academic stamina has been developed.

The greatest tool in our arsenal for providing flexible pacing is access to teachers with domain expertise, able to connect the dots and answer all the questions that hungry mind may pose.

Q: My child is gifted, yet seems to hate Math, why is that?

Many gifted students have an aptitude for fluid thinking. They are deep thinkers, dreamers who lack the precision required for numerical problems such as those offered by the Math of elementary grades. 

These students do not find early Math with its numerical problems enjoyable. Unfortunately, schools in the first grades tend to focus on number sense only. Without alternate programming, many students grow up with a deep dislike for math and feel that they are not competent, even though these are the very students that we tend to identify later in high school as deeply gifted in mathematical thinking. It is quite sad that by then a lot of damage has been done. 

As parents and educators, we can step in and provide appropriate learning materials and guidance to present an alternative to traditional learning. By guiding students in the early years we ensure they become happy, independent learners later on.

Q: Can you suggest a few books that instill an appreciation for Science?

Depending on the age of the student, we use lots of books that provide enrichment. As always, the goal is to develop a love of science and develop intuition about natural phenomena.

Many of the books suggested by our team are available in digital forms. This is useful for students who have a strong preference consuming content digitally. This allows students to rewire their attitudes towards their digital devices as not only a portal for gaming and social media but also a research tool, which is a move in a better direction. Below is an example page from such a book:


Q: What type of coding classes do you offer?

We offer coding with MIT Scratch for younger students and Python, PHP, Java Script and C# for older students.

After completing the Scratch course, basic programming concepts like loops, variables, screen coordinates and more, are established, which makes students ready for more coding with Python for interested students.

To make the coding fun we help students learn how to code animations. For example, we teach them what a parallax effect is, to make their projects more realistic.

Each student gets 4 workbooks as part of this course which contains the lesson plans and provides a platform for further discussion. 

This proves an excellent platform for gifted learning as we get to infuse math, geometry, art  and sound into these projects. We've got a chance to talk about perspective, graphic file formats useful to computer graphics, installing software, and much more. For students who have an affinity to gaming the course provides a chance to experience things from the other side, and find out how games are programmed. 

You can find more information on coding here.