Learn more about Working Memory (WM) and its importance in learning
The Neuroscience of Working Memory Training
Is it ADHD or Immaturity? How to avoid a misdiagnosis when a child is young for his class
"Several studies in recent years have found that children who are among the youngest in their class are diagnosed with ADHD at a much higher rate than their older classmates.
This suggests that a significant percentage of kids with ADHD are being misdiagnosed just because they are less mature. It raises important questions about how kids are being diagnosed, and how to avoid misinterpreting the behavior of children who might be having trouble meeting expectations just because they are younger."
Before Referring a Gifted Child for ADD/ADHD Evaluation
"....causing the child to "misbehave" or "tune out," or if the child feels out of control, then it is most certainly appropriate to refer a gifted child for ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Premature referral bypasses the educational system and takes control away from students, parents and educators. By referring before trying to adjust the educational environment and curriculum, educators appear to be denouncing the positive attributes of giftedness and/or to be blaming the victim of an inappropriate educational system." Read more to see the checklist contrasting Gifted vs. ADD/ADHD.